From Along the Atlantic Ocean (England)
521 cm x 514 cm. Oil, acyclic, pencil, pen, enamel, oil bar, earth, thread and metal grommets on unprimed canvas.
This large scale painting is a multiple panel hybrid painting made along the Atlantic coast of Cornwall, England in the spring of 2019.
A film documenting the painted and lived journey of the work can be found below.
This project was supported with great thanks by the Arts Council of England and was temporarily exhibited as a major installation at the The National Maritime Museum in Greenwich, London from the 8th of June to the 18th of June 2019.
(Above) Installation at the National Maritime Museum, Royal Museums Greenwich, London, June 2019.
(Above) close-up photographs of the painting.
(Above) film documenting the making and journeying of the painting, shot by myself.
Single channel HD video, 11 minutes 29 seconds, with sound.